Adapted Floor Sitter

A floor seating for young wheelchair-users to join their peers during floor activities.

Category : Social Justice | Winners

Winner / Social Justice Prize (age 16+)

Entry By / Ernesto Espinal, Eric Fernandez, Joseph Jimenez, Mohammad Khan

Country / USA

Makerspace / Adaptive Design Association (ADA)

Project Details

A floor seating for young wheelchair-users to join their peers during floor activities. The seater responded to a request made by an elementary school teacher to create a comfortable option for students. The users were able to select their favourite design in this co-created experience. This thoughtful work allows disabled peers to engage in social, educational and recreational activities with dignity. It ensures full accessibility in the classroom for all students.

Judges’ Comments

We love how this really takes into account lived experience of someone and responds to their particular needs.

Project Gallery

Adapted Floor Sitter
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