Academic publications and talks

Conference presentations
“Caring relationships to support and empower diverse young people”, panel discussion at ECSITE conference – European Collaborative for Science, Industry and Technology Exhibitions, Malta, June 2023.
“Is the critical pedagogue an impossible subject? Negotiating a path between social reproduction and change within youth programmes in three international makerspaces”, paper presentation at British Sociological Association (BSA) BSA Bourdieu Study Group’s International Conference 2023, Barcelona, July 2023.
“Putting youth voice at the heart of working and researching with children and young people”. World Children’s Day at UCL’s Insitute of Child Health. London, November 2023.
“Working ethically with global makerspace practitioners: Learnings from an international participatory research project”, BERA – British Educational Research Association, Ethics in Practice: Showcasing examples of good ethical practice in practitioner research. London, November 2023.
“Developing families as learning communities”, Ecsite Conference, Ljubljana June 2024. (with Sheena Laursen, David Jones and Amito Haarhuis)
“Learning to implement equitable youth practices in informal science spaces”, Ecsite Conference, Ljubljana June 2024.(with Kaisa Torkkeli and Petra Vanic)
Please get in touch to find out more about the presentations above.
We welcome invitations to present at events or conferences – feel free to get in touch with the team to discuss opportunities.

Academic publications
Coming 2024! Stay tuned.