Smart Waste Bin

The Smart Waste Bin addresses inefficient waste collection.

Category : Sustainable

Entry By / Salah Ajour, Nirmeen Ash-Shawwa, Basant, Mais

Country / Palestine

Makerspace / Spark

Project Details

The Smart Waste Bin addresses inefficient waste collection. This innovative bin detects the fill level of bins to notify authorities when a bin is full. Its firm, sealed structure prevents unauthorized tampering and dispells unsavory smells. This easily scalable idea was directly inspired by conversations with locals about their frustrations with waste. The idea contributes to a safer and cleaner local environment and reduces the environmental impact of frequent and unnecessary waste removal.

Judges’ Comments

I was drawn to how this entry was made and communicated. Although my community would not have a high need for it, the need for it in Gaza is very high.

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Smart Waste Bin
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