Upcycled Plant Box

A plant box made of recycled wood and acrylic.

Category : Sustainable

Entry By / Emilia Rokicka

Country / UK

Makerspace / Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC)

Project Details

A plant box made of recycled wood and acrylic. Responding to the brief of “retrofit reimagined”, participants devised an upcycled plant pot to encourage gardening and to brighten green spaces. Created with laser cutters, glue, and leftover materials, the boxes promote the beauty of outside living. Audiences are encouraged to plant more, to use upcycled materials, and to brighten their local environs.

Judges’ Comments

I really love this project, which demonstrated how a realistic idea and small actions can make a difference to a local community and have immediate implications.

Project Gallery

Upcycled Plant Box
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